
Little Flower Seminary History

The central symmetric image at the crest of the emblem is an allusion to the ancient Chinese symbol called tai- chi ‘T’ u or ‘Diagram of the supreme Ultimate’. The diagram is a symmetric organization of the dark yin and the bright yang -the two polar opposite forces are perfectly balanced here, each having the germ of its opposite. While the rotational nature of the symmetry suggests the dynamic aspect of reality, the blended harmony of the yin and the yang represents the supra conscious awareness that all differences and dichotomies are only apparent and relative within all embracing unity. The thrust of the academic training in this institute is as Krishna says in Gita, to “be in truth eternal, beyond the earthly opposites.”

Form a revelatory point of view, the Holy Cross is the symbol of unification and reconciliation. The cross having reconciled the polar opposite s of life and death, of good and evil, sends out the liberative energy to the emancipations of the entire reality. The background of the cross represents itself as the ultimate abode of the fusion for every multifaceted horizon of reality.

The hermeneutical tool towards the attainment of this goal is the reflective and critical sravana and manana of the spoken and written word and the insightful observation and meditation to the book of nature the two sources of revelation in Augustinian terms. This is attempted to represent in the intersecting of the books of scripture and the book of nature at the bottom of the emblem.The praxis of this intuitive and intellectual awakening is acompelling commitment to the service of the entire creation. Hence the motto of our institute: sarva bhuta hite ratah- those who delight in the welfare of all beings, the text of our motto is from Bhagavad Gita (5:25; 12:4). Here the dharma of the human is paraphrased as delight in the welfare of all beings. The Gita expects the perfect human to delight in, to go in ecstasy over the welfare of all beings.