Editorial Board


Editer in Chief  Dr. Job Kozhamthadam -Indian Institute of Science and Religion, Pune, India. 
Associate Editor  Dr.Ronald Cole-Turner -Vice President, International Society for Science And Religion, Cambridge.
Book Review Editors Dr. Miguel Farias -Ian Ramsey Centre, Oxford University.
Dr.Jonathan B. Edelmann -Missippi. Mississippi State University.
Dr. Martin Sebastian- Catholic University, Leuven.
Editorial Board Dr. Nancey Murphy- Fuller Theological Seminaty, California.
Dr. Philip Clayton -Claremont School of Theology, California.
Dr. Kasturiranjan- National In stitute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
Dr. Bert Gordijn -Dublin City University, Ireland.
Dr. Makarand Paranjpe- India Association.of Science and Spirituality JNU, New Delhi.
Dr. Philip Sloan- Notre Dame University, Indiana.
Dr. Georger V. Coyne- Director Emeritus, Vatican Observatory.
Dr. K. Babu Joseph- Former VC, Cochin University of ScienceTechnology, Cochin.
Dr. K. S. Radhakrishnan- Former VC,Sree Sanakrachatya University ofanskrit, Kalady.
Dr. John Brooke- University of Oxford.
Dr. Kuruvilla Pandikattu- Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune.
Dr. Ted Peters- Graduate Theology Union, Berkeley, California.
Dr. VaradarajaV. Raman- Rochester Institute of Theology, New York.
Dr. Kang Phee Seng -Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Dr. Heup Young Kim -Kangnam University, South Korea.
Dr. Pauline M. Rudd- Dublin-Oxford Glycobiology Laboratory, Dublin, Ireland.
Dr. Gerald Grudzen -University of Phoenix, Arizona.
Dr. Sarojini Henry -Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary, Chennai.
Dr. Mathew -Chandrankunnel Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Banglore.
Dr. Lieven Boeve -Catholic University, Leuven.
Dr. B.V. Subbarayyappa- National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
Dr. Roger Trigg- University of Oxford.
Dr. Taede A. Smedes- Catholic University, Leuven.
Dr. Nicola Hoggard Creegan -Tyndale-Carey Graduate School, New Zealand.
Dr. Jean Staune- Interdisciplinaty University, Paris
Dr. Shamsur Rahman- Bangladesh Centre for Science and Spirituality, Dhaka.

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